Marketing automation

Automate tedious tasks, save time and nurture relationships.

Email marketing

Send engaging emails that convert your audience.

Data platform

Manage all of your data from one place.

Transactional email

Improve customer satisfaction with relevant, timely updates.

Send emails that feel personal.
WhatsApp Business

Find your clients on their favourite messaging app. 


Relevant updates at exactly the right time.

Mobile app

Engage and win-back app-users.

Landing pages & forms

Gather and enrich your data through on-brand pages.

Cut through the noise with telemarketing and direct mail.
Analytics, e-commerce, data management. Unify your tech stack.
By Industry
Professional Services
Travel recommendations and transactional emails for your clients.
Attractions & leisure

Generate more visitors and uplift your revenue.

Retail & e-commerce

Connect all of your tech to the most easy to use marketing automation software.

Financial Institutions
Secure and reliable communications for your organisation.
Customer success

Everything for a successful relationship.

Personalised onboarding

Your platform, your way.

Hire an expert

Extend your team on location.

Managed services

Our team for your projects.

Let us advise you on marketing automation best practice.
Our team of creative experts can bring your dreams into reality.
Case studies

Successful and inspiring stories from our clients.

Webinars & recordings

Virtual events from the experts.

Newsletter sign-up

Subscribe to Deployteq tips, tricks and updates.

Keep up to date with trends and insights.
Deep and complete expertise.
Where all your questions are answered.
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Flex services

Our specialists for your ideas

Do you need professional support from a marketing specialist? Flex services has you covered. Our flexible hiring hub offers highly trained individuals to temporarily grow your on-site team. Skip the expensive hiring process and time-consuming training process by bringing a member of Deployteq into your organisation on a time frame and basis that suits your organisation’s needs. Whether that’s a few days or weeks, we work around your business architecture to bring your ideas to life.

Ready to grow?

Why use the hiring hub?

• Temporary employee leave replacement.

• Extra hands in a busy period.

• Dedicate more resources to email marketing.

• New to email marketing and require some guidance.

• Need new ideas for your marketing campaigns.

• Want to regularly spar with a specialist.

Find your Flexible Teammate

Our specialists are ready for you. We offer a range of services from Campaign Developers to Email Specialists to CRM Consultants. Deployteq makes collaboration happen.

Email HTML specialist

Alongside designers, we develop and create innovative, on-brand and eye-catching email templates that save you time when creating your campaigns. Our templates are dynamic across devices, and we work directly with Litmus to ensure optimal display across all email clients.

Front-end Developer

We take your forms and pages to the next level through front-end development. We design complex and sophisticated features such as responsive layouts, typography, and other design elements. Our front-end developers have experience in Java Script, HTML and CSS. As well as a complete understanding of UI and UX.

Campaign Specialist

Our Campaign Specialists understand the importance of the entire customer journey in every scenario. We can work to develop a multitude of automated marketing campaigns such as Welcome and Newsletter campaigns that take the time out of tedious tasks. We review target groups, campaign triggers and data storage so every touchpoint is covered. We also assist in connecting your tech landscape via API’s, HTTP requests and Webhooks to keep your data flowing seamlessly.

Visual Designer

Within the first 7 seconds of meeting, we form a first impression. Ensure your first impression blows your customers away by hiring one of our visual designers. We create jaw-dropping imagery and marketing concepts that improve your brand reputation. Working with your core values, we create professional designs, which is then translated through CSS and HTML into innovative emails and the creation / adaption of your templates.

CRM Specialist

Within the first 7 seconds of meeting, we form a first impression. Ensure your first impression blows your customers away by hiring one of our visual designers. We create jaw-dropping imagery and marketing concepts that improve your brand reputation. Working with your core values, we create professional designs, which is then translated through CSS and HTML into innovative emails and the creation / adaption of your templates.

Data Consultant

Let us take you on a journey of discovery into your own data strategy. We look at the collection, analysis and interpretation of your customer data and realise the optimal data-driven strategy for your organisation. This gives you a complete customer view that fuels successful campaigns.

Marketing Strategist

With experience in various markets and diverse business objectives, our marketing strategists provide a tailor-made plan for your organisation. We provide advice on missed opportunities in the customer journey and help increase your lead value. We also assist with advice on recruitment, technical development, and the successful implementation of your campaigns. We have broad experience and knowledge of available tools to bring out the best version of your campaigns.

Project Manager

Our skilled project managers can be quickly integrated into your organisation and can support you through business change and growth. We provide planning advice, structure and scheduling to ensure a smooth process. Our project managers work closely with our CRM specialists to engage a seamless and successful project.

BBQ Pit Master

We’re not just email. We’re also lucky enough to have an in-hour BBQ specialist on hand for tasty recipe recommendations! ?

Our Agile Solution


With increased competition in the recruitment space, our specialists offer the flexibility you need to have the right skills in-house for the right project at the right time.


More Efficient

Whether you need more hands-on deck or access a new skillset, our flexible workers can help meet your team’s deadlines.


Hiring the right person for the job can be a lengthy process. We take on the administration process so our temporary specialists can start immediately.

No Training Required

Our professionals keep up to date on best practice standards. They can apply what they learn in other projects, delivering a fresh perspective on their task.


No Strings Attached

Our specialists are backed up by Deployteq’s expertise. They are assigned to deliver a specific task with no long-term commitments.

Get in touch